Check valve รุ่น Z1S 10

Z1S 10
Check valve รุ่น Z1S 10

รายละเอียด Check valve รุ่น Z1S 10

  • Size 10
    (ขนาดวาล์ว 10)
  • Component series 6X
    (ใช้ได้กับรุ่น 6X)
  • Maximum operating pressure 315 bar
    (แรงดันใช้งานสูงสุด 315 บาร์)
  • Maximum flow 100 l/min
    (อัตราการไหลสูงสุด 100 ลิตรต่อนาที)


  • Sandwich plate valve for use in vertical stackings
    • as angle valve
    • as straight-through valve
  • Porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 and NFPA T3.5.1 R2-2002 D03
    (รูปแบบการวางพอร์ต ตามมาตรฐาน ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 และมาตรฐาน NFPA R2-2002 D03)
  • Various one and two-channel blocking functions
    (ตัวเลือกการปิดกั้น 1 และ 2 ช่องทางอื่นๆ)
  • Perfect leak-tightness due to poppet made of high-performance plastic
  • Corrosion-resistant surface on request

SPECIFICATION (รายละเอียด)

แรงดันใช้งานสูงสุด bar 350
แรงดันที่ทำให้แตกหัก bar





อัตราการไหลสูงสุด l/min 100
ของไหลน้ำมันไฮดรอลิกส์ ดูจากตาราง
ช่วงอุณหภูมิของไหลน้ำมันไฮดรอลิกส์ °C -20 … +80
ความหนืดของไหล mm²/s 2,8 … 500
ระดับความปนเปื้อนของน้ำมันไฮดรอลิกที่ยอมรับได้ Class 20/18/15 ตามมาตรฐาน ISO 4406 (c)

Type code

01020304 05060708091011 12 13 14151617 1819
Z1S 10                   4X / F /           *

01 Check valve, sandwich plate Z1S
02 Size 10 10
Check valve 1 1) – in channel …
03 Channel A A
Channel B B
Channel P P
Channel T TA
Channel TB TB
Check valve 1 1) – cracking pressure
04 without spring 0
0,5 bar 5
3,0 bar 30
5,0 bar 50
Check valve 1 1) – installation direction
05 component side ➀ (direction of flow ➁ → ➀) 1
Plate side ➁ (direction of flow ➀ → ➁) 2
Check valve 1 1) – nozzle diameter (when used as throttle check valve)
06 without throttle no code
Ø0,5 mm D05
Ø1,0 mm D10
Ø1,5 mm D15
Check valve 2 (optional) 1) – in channel …
07 Without check valve 2 no code
Channel B B
Channel P P
Channel T TA
Channel TB TB
Check valve 2 (optional) 1) – cracking pressure
08 Without check valve 2 no code
Without spring 0
0,5 bar 5
3,0 bar 30
5,0 bar 50
Check valve 2 (optional) 1) – installation direction
09 Without check valve 2 no code
component side ➀ (direction of flow ➁ → ➀) 1
Plate side ➁ (direction of flow ➀ → ➁) 2
Check valve 2 (optional) 1) – nozzle diameter (when used as throttle check valve)
10 Without throttle no code
Ø0,5 mm D05
Ø1,0 mm D10
Ø1,5 mm D15
11 Channels TA and TB free-flowing no code
Channel TA closed TA9
Channel TB closed TB9
12 Component series 40 … 49 (40 … 49: unchanged installation and mounting dimensions) 4X
Seal material
13 FKM seals F
Observe compatibility of seals with hydraulic fluid used. (Other seals upon request)
Additional pilot oil ports X and Y
14 Without X and Y no code
With X and Y XY
Measuring port G¼
15 Without measuring port no code
In channel A MA
In channel B MB
In channel P MP
In channel TA MTA
16 Without measuring port no code
Measuring port input A
Measuring port output B
17 None (valve housing primed) no code
Improved corrosion protection (240 h salt spray test according to EN ISO 9227) J3
Special version 1)
18 Measuring port in P (G½) 68
With tank bracket 120
19 Further details in the plain text *
  1. Symbols see circuit diagrams

Z1S 10 A05-1-4X/F R901274763
Z1S 10 A05-1-4X/F/XY R901274754
Z1S 10 A05-1B05-2-4X/F R901372433
Z1S 10 A05-1D10-4X/N R901441355
Z1S 10 A05-2-4X/F R901274762
Z1S 10 A05-2-4X/F/XY R901274769
Z1S 10 A05-2-4X/N R901465069
Z1S 10 A05-2B05-2-4X/F R901274767
Z1S 10 A05-2B05-2-4X/F/XY R901419349
Z1S 10 A05-2B05-2TB9-4X/F R901311812
Z1S 10 A30-1-4X/F R901274736
Z1S 10 A30-2-4X/F R901274733
Z1S 10 A30-2-4X/N R901420160
Z1S 10 A30-2B30-2-4X/F R901274743
Z1S 10 A50-1-4X/F R901285179
Z1S 10 A50-2-4X/F R901274734
Z1S 10 A50-2B50-2-4X/F R901274746
Z1S 10 B05-1-4X/F R901274765
Z1S 10 B05-1-4X/N R901465068
Z1S 10 B05-2-4X/F R901274766
Z1S 10 B05-2-4X/F/XY R901394616
Z1S 10 B05-2-4X/N R901465072
Z1S 10 B30-1-4X/F R901285180
Z1S 10 B30-2-4X/F R901274735
Z1S 10 B50-1-4X/F R901285184
Z1S 10 B50-2-4X/F R901285189
Z1S 10 P00-1-4X/F R901324544
Z1S 10 P05-1-4X/F R901274759
Z1S 10 P05-1-4X/F/MPB R901274781
Z1S 10 P05-1-4X/F/MPB-068 R901274750
Z1S 10 P05-1-4X/F/XY R901274753
Z1S 10 P05-1-4X/N R901285818
Z1S 10 P05-1TA05-2-4X/F/XY R901412411
Z1S 10 P05-1TA05-2TB9-4X/F R901274768
Z1S 10 P05-1TA05-2TB9-4X/N R901354282
Z1S 10 P05-1TA50-2TB9-4X/F R901285194
Z1S 10 P05-2-4X/F R901280744
Z1S 10 P30-1-4X/F R901274737
Z1S 10 P30-1-4X/F/J3 R901406730
Z1S 10 P30-1-4X/F/MA R901388434
Z1S 10 P30-1-4X/F/XY R901400312
Z1S 10 P30-1TA30-2TB9-4X/F R901274749
Z1S 10 P50-1-4X/F R901274741
Z1S 10 P50-1-4X/F/XY R901305460
Z1S 10 P50-1-4X/N R901465073
Z1S 10 P50-1TA50-2TB9-4X/F R901293706
Z1S 10 TA00-2TB9-4X/F/J3 R901442748
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB05-2-4X/F R901405923
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB05-2-4X/F/XY R901274780
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB30-2-4X/N R901326931
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB9-4X/F R901274760
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB9-4X/F-120 R901307248
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB9-4X/F/XY R901283872
Z1S 10 TA05-2TB9-4X/N R901274777
Z1S 10 TA30-2TB30-2-4X/F R901347301
Z1S 10 TA30-2TB30-2-4X/N R901335772
Z1S 10 TA30-2TB9-4X/F R901274727
Z1S 10 TA30-2TB9-4X/F-120 R901318782
Z1S 10 TA30-2TB9-4X/N R901465075
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB50-2-4X/F R901347485
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB50-2-4X/F/XY R901403457
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB9-4X/F R901274728
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB9-4X/F-120 R901283869
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB9-4X/F/XY R901283066
Z1S 10 TA50-2TB9-4X/N R901274779
Z1S 10 TB05-2TA9-4X/F R901274755
Z1S 10 TB30-2-4X/F R901325259

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